PowerShell | Compare Odd or Even Substring
PowerShell's Substring method is a useful way to extract parts of a string based on their position within the string. Below are the details on how to use the Substring method in PowerShell:
Basic Usage
The Substring method is used to get a portion of a string starting from a specified index. Here’s the basic syntax:
$string = "Hello, World!"
$substring = $string.Substring(7)
Write-Output $substring # Output: "World!"
In PowerShell, you can use the -contains operator to check if an array contains a specific item, and the -notcontains operator to check if it does not contain a specific item. However, for strings, you typically use the -like, -match, or -contains methods for similar purposes.
-contains Operator
The operator used to determine if array contains particular element.
$array = @(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
if ($array -contains 3) {
Write-Output "Array contains the value 3"
} else {
Write-Output "Array does not contain the value 3"
Results: Array contains the value 3
And the -NotContains Does the Opposite.
PowerShell Script Odd/Even Separate by Last Character
Issue: 100's of workstations to patch with uncommon naming scheme
Descision: Schedule by splitting up the odd and even numbered systems
Solution: separate them by the last digit
Char Test-Dev Week 1
Even Set Patched Week 2
Odd Set Patched Week 3
PowerShell Script Imports Data and Sorts by End Char \ Odd\Even\Char
Pull Data from TxT
End Result Output to Corresondig Files for Char\Odd\Even Last Char Review
Scott Head
# Get Computers from File
$Computers = Get-Content C:\temp\ODD-Even.txt
#Array of Even Numbers
#Array of Odd Numbers
#---------- Da Loop ---------
Foreach($Comp in $Computers){
#Get Length of Computer Name Minus 1
$Length = $Comp.Length - 1
#Acquire the Substring of the Computer Name
$Substring = $($Comp.Substring($Length))
#Check to see if Substring, last digiat in Computer Name is Even
if($EvenArray -Contains $Substring){$Comp | Tee-Object C:\temp\Even.txt -Append}
#Check to See if Substring, Last Digist of COmputer Name is Odd
if($OddArray -Contains $Substring){$Comp | Tee-Object C:\temp\Odd.txt -Append}
#Check if Not End in Numeric
if(($OddArray -NotContains $Substring) -and ($EvenArray -NotContains $Substring)){
#If Computer Does Not End with a Number
$Comp | Tee-Object C:\temp\NotDigit.txt -Append