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Welcome to Microsoft PowerShell

Glad you stopped in on my website simply follow the menu left to right and learn more and more about Microsoft PowerShell,  a powerful command-line shell and scripting language designed for task automation and configuration management. Built on the .NET framework, PowerShell enables IT professionals and developers to control and automate the administration of Windows and other systems.

What is PowerShell?

PowerShell combines the functionality of traditional command-line interfaces with the flexibility of scripting languages. It provides a robust environment for executing commands and writing scripts to automate complex tasks.

PowerShell CmdLets

PowerShell CMDLets can be thought of as the commands you are used to running in DOS. These each have a syntax and a help section and usually even a few examples of how to use the CMDLet. Also in PowerShell you can tab through to get the CMDLets you are looking for, just type in Get-Ch and press tab and you will get to Get-ChildItem and to get the HELP on this CMDLet type Get-Help Get-ChildItem. If you want to see an example of syntax of the CMDLet type –Example at the end.
Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Example


PowerShell Get-Command helps you find the cmdlets you are looking for and Get-Member helps you get information on that cmdlet. If you want to see the properties and methods of the cmdlet just simply type Cmdlet | Get-Member for example Get-Service | Get-Member . If you just want to see the properties of the CmdLet see example below:

PowerShell Tools - Make Sure to Update Your Help !


Use the Update-Help to download and auto install the most up to date PowerShell help items.

To save help files for offline installation run:


  • Save-Help -Module * -DestinationPath C:\Shared\UpdateHelp

  • Copy files to the offline server and place in same directory path

  • Open PowerShell with "Run AS Administrator"

  • Update-Help –SourcePath C:\Shared\UpdateHelp

  • After installing the help files I now get 8 examples of how to use Get-ChildItem:

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